Visit Ho Chi Minh Square

Ho Chi Minh square
The mere mention of Ho Chi Minh evokes a lot of passion in the minds of the nationals of Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh is a city named after the hero of Vietnam’s struggle for freedom from the shackles of colonial rule.This city named after this national hero holds a lot of monuments; it is a reminder of the past which connects with the future. If you want to pay a tourist visit, it is important to let you know about the Ho Chi Minh Square. You must make room on your calendar to visit this tourist spot.
What is Ho Chi Minh Square?
The Ho Chi Minh Square is located in front of the city’s town hall. It has the statue of Ho Chi Minh in front of it. This is a very pleasant square with beautiful architectural masterpieces surrounding it.
Why you must visit the Ho Chi Minh Square.
- The square of two sides.
One square is for the day; the other one for the night. During the day, see and take pictures which you will keep which are the emblem of Vietnam’s political struggle.
The night hours at the Ho Chi Minh Square is highly interesting. The square opens up to a beehive of activities at night. Live shows are present to add glamour. The night atmosphere is always highly electric.
- Experience the hoverboards 60k.
One of the major attractions is the hoverboards 60k. A ride in the hoverboards 60k is an experience you will cherish for a long time. The ride is for 30 minutes non-stop; it will appear scary for the first timer, but the experience is out of this world. Security is guaranteed; so you have no issues to worry about.
- It Is Loaded With Fun.
A lot goes here every day of the week. The Ho Chi Minh Squ
are is a hot spot for politics ranging from swearing in ceremonies or official ceremonies. All the razzmatazz that follows such events will be something you would love to see.
- Serene Environment.
The beautifully laid out trees and the flowers are a beauty to behold at Ho Chi Minh Square. Every tourist will love the scenery and the entire atmosphere; at the cool of the evening, the square is a beauty to behold. This place is a must for aspiring students of history.
A visit to this square in one’s lifetime is worth every effort put into it.